Sunday Worship
Everyone is welcome to share in worship with us here at Ben Rhydding, including our services of Holy Communion and we trust you will find a warm welcome from the moment you walk in. We believe that worship is an opportunity to experience the presence of God through the many
different aspects of worship and by being with others who want to share in that experience. Our services are usually led by our minister, Shannon; a lay person who is a Local Preacher; or a retired minister. On this page you will find details of who is leading the service and when they take place, with dates being planned every 3 months. Refreshments are served after each morning service, where again you are most welcome. If you would like to know more about worship, or any special services we hold please contact our minister Shannon for more information. Her details are on the contact us... page.
All services are at 10.30 unless otherwise stated.
18th Rev Shannon DeLaureal - Holy Communion
25th Deacon Liz Day - United service
1st Mr Michael Noble
8th Rev Shannon DeLaureal - Holy Communion
15th Mrs Lindsay Hurst
22nd Rev Shannon DeLaureal - Harvest Festival
29th United service at Christchurch
6th Deacon Liz Day
13th Rev Peter Gray - Holy Communion
20th Mr Phillip Dixon
27th Rev Shannon DeLaureal
3rd Local Arrangement**
10th Rev Peter Gray - Holy Communion and Remembrance Sunday
17th Rev Shannon DeLaureal
24th Rev Roberta Topham
** Local Arrangement is a service taken by members of the congregation.