Fairtrade at BRMC
In order to show our solidarity with the Fairtrade movement, that ensures workers are paid a fair wage and have good working conditions, we have agreed to serve Fairtrade tea and Coffee at all church organised events. This includes our Friday soup lunches and fellowship time after our Sunday services.
On the second Sunday of each month, there is a Fairtrade stall after the morning service. There is a range of fairly traded products from Traidcraft available. This includes cleaning products, dried fruits, rice, coffee, tea and sugar as well as a good selection of chocolate and sweets. A small number of gifts and seasonal items, including beautiful embroidered cards suitable for any occasion, can also be bought. In addition there is a selection of products from Zaytoun, including their lovely olive oil and dates. From The Source provides hats, gloves and brightly coloured bags, depending on availability. Orders can be placed for any products that are in the Traidcraft catalogue.