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Wishing you
a peace filled 2020 from

Ben Rhydding
Methodist Church

Thanks, too, to the group of church people who put the exhibition together, supplied refreshments and welcomed visitors.

Do look in the Events Menu to see pictures of the exhibition.

What's on at Christmas

  Carols by Candlelight            Sunday 22nd December 4.00pm

Carols and Candles for all the family          Christmas Eve 4.00pm

Family Celebration on Christmas Day          9.30am

We have had a wonderful week "Following the Star" with about 200 children stargazing: finding out about constellations,

looking through telescopes and imagining the journey of the Magi to the stable in Bethlehem.

A big thank you to Ben Rhydding School's Years 1 and 2 who produced a wonderful reproduction in pictures

of the journey Christopher Stanfield took from Egypt to Somaliland, raising funds for the Edna Adan  Hospital:

and to the Pre-School who created a wonderful model of the stable at Bethlehem.

During their visits children also heard about a journey in the other direction, from Eritrea to this country

by a refugee called Abraham, fleeing from persecution at home. They struggled to lift his water bottle

and learnt what it is like to cross the desert.

Thanks are due to all the children who visited us with their eager questions

and to their teachers who shepherded them around the exhibition.

...and in the New Year


The Covenant Service          Sunday the 12th January 2020 at 10.30am

Church & Community Events



Coffee Morning
Come and enjoy refreshments &
good company

Up and running. Do join us.

10:30 - 12:00

At Ben Rhydding Methodist Church



Soup Lunch
Soup & a roll £1.50
Cake & hot drink £1

12:00 - 13:15

At Ben Rhydding Methodist Church

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